Our work is funded in a variety of ways. While the majority of our Outreach funding comes through grants with government partners, none of the work is possible without your donations.
The button below will take you to our giving platform, where you can select where you’d like your dollars to go. Money is the most helpful donation, but if you’d like to donate supplies, see the list below!
For any questions about financial giving, please email
Item Donations
Our primary needs are the basics (men and women, adult sizes). Next time you’re at the store, grab an extra pack to donate! These basic items listed here may be dropped at the church office during weekday business hours. All donations must be clean and in good condition.
Underwear (new only)
There are other items we often need, but would prefer you call first to see if we can accommodate, and schedule your drop off (510-634-4750):
Sneakers/Tennis Shoes
Rain ponchos
Food (unexpired)
Boots/Flip Flops
Sunscreen, fans/misters
Personal hygiene items
Items we do not take:
Children’s items/toys/clothes
Household items
Worn undergarments
Fancy dresses, costumes, or high-heeled shoes
If you’d like to donate something not on this list, please call us first to see if we have room: 510-634-4750. Please DO NOT leave other items without speaking with us first!
Prefer to be old school? Send a check or cash to our main address:
2490 Grove Way, Castro Valley, CA 94546