Our Tiny Home application is currently closed. If you’ve applied, you should receive communication soon.



FirstPres Hayward worked with Firm Foundation Community Housing, HomeAid and Co-Build Construction on a project to build six temporary transitional alternative dwelling units in the FirstPres Hayward parking lot. These homes help individuals that are unhoused transition to permanent housing. Participants are eligible to stay for up to 18 months in our program. The Tiny Homes Program saves the program fees and banks the rest of a tenant’s rent in a savings account to support the move to a permanent housing solution upon leaving.

To be eligible for one of these units, the participants need to be unhoused within unincorporated Alameda County. First Presbyterian Church of Hayward will identify, screen, and recruit eligible applicants by leveraging existing relationships with community partners, such as Community Resources for Independent Living (CRIL), South Hayward Parish, Bay Area Community Services, Tiburcio Vasquez Health Center, and Abode Services. 

Program costs are $200 per month for the initial 4 months, months 5-8 are $400 per month, months 9-12 are $600, with the last 6 months of program fees increasing to $800. (See payment breakdown in chart below). 


Each Tiny Home is the ideal size for one person. The dimensions of the structures are 8'6" by 20'. All participants in the program will work directly with a housing navigator from Abode Services to help support and connect them to housing and other related resources. 


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For more information on the Tiny Home Project, please contact Saundrea.