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At FirstPresKids, we nurture children’s relationship with Christ through sharing Jesus’ teachings of unconditional love and servanthood. We experience the stories of the Bible, feel God’s love for us and practice discipleship through play, art, music, fellowship and the cultivation of spiritual disciplines.

We meet on Sundays at 10AM. Indoors for infants - toddlers and in our new outdoor classroom for K-5th graders. We focus on biblical justice, anti-oppression, love, and play. Your kids are always welcome to be with their adults in the Sanctuary during worship too!

Follow us on Social Media for our latest info!


Lauren Gibbs-Beadle has a Masters in Education and is our Director of Children’s Ministries at FirstPres. She has 4 children of her own and loves to focus on Godly play, justice work, and inclusivity.

For more information, please email our Director of Children’s and Youth Ministries, Lauren Gibbs-Beadle.